Century Chrysler Dodge Jeep Ram

Summer Maintenance for Your Jeep

Summer Maintenance For Your Jeep

Summer Maintenance For Your Jeep

Brought to You by Century Chrysler Dodge Jeep Ram

The sun is staying up in the sky longer into the day and the temperature has started to rise, summer is finally here! With the hot weather that summer brings, it can be tempting to plan a get away in your Jeep, however you need to make sure that your Jeep model is up to the task. We here at Century Chrysler Dodge Jeep Ram can help you make sure that your Jeep model, whether its a Gladiator or a Compass, is ready for summer-time adventures! Read on to learn about the summer maintenance tasks that you can tackle and how our service department can help you get them done so you don’t miss out on a second of this great weather. 

How do I get my Jeep ready for summer?

Do a battery check: Problems with your battery may start to appear as the temperature starts to rise. This is because your battery has to start working harder the hotter it gets. When you lift up the hood of your Jeep, the first thing you should look for is to see that the battery has been properly mounted. You don’t want the battery to cause any vibrations when you are traversing rugged terrain or traveling down the highway. You also need to check that the battery terminals are free from corrosion and are properly connected. Your final step is to check that the battery is not over 3-4 years old. If it is, set up an appointment with our service center to install a new one. 
Check the fluid levels: The fluids that are running throughout your Jeep have a lot of important jobs including cooling and lubricating moving systems and parts for optimum performance. If certain fluids get too low or there happens to be a leak, that can cause the engine to work overtime and improperly function. This can quickly lead to engine damage and even failure that can be pretty expensive to fix. Fluids that you need to check on while you are under the hood of your Jeep include power steering, transmission, coolant, and brake. 
Test the air conditioning: Now that the cooler months are behind us and the temperature has started to rise, you are probably going to be using your Jeep’s air conditioning a little more often. It is important to keep your Jeep and your passengers cool no matter how long you are on the road. If you feel like your air conditioning system isn't properly functioning, our technicians can take a look for you. 
Check the tire pressure: Your Jeep’s tire pressure is very important. Extreme temperature fluctuations can have a serious impact on your tire’s air pressure and you don’t want them under inflated as that can suck up more gas and encourage uneven wear. You also don’t want them over inflated which can cause a blowout. Your owner’s manual or the driver’s door jamb information sticker will tell you exactly how much air pressure your Jeep’s tires need. 

Book a Service Appointment

No matter what kind of adventures you have planned this summer, your Jeep vehicle needs to be ready. You don’t have to have any issues that delay exciting trips to theme parks or off-roading experiences and our service center can help make sure it is! To book an appointment, simply fill out our appointment request form and one of our advisors will confirm an appointment for you over the phone. Looking to buy a new Jeep model for the summer? Check out all our new models in stock with our inventory on our website!